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Vaikka AFLAC-esimerkki osoittaa, että yksittäinen liikkuva keskiarvo Järjestelmä voi olla kannattavaa, käyttämällä yhtä liikkuvaa keskimäärää on sen haaskut whipsaws Whipsaw tapahtuu, kun signaali syntyy tyypillisesti ostaa, vain saada hinta äkillinen kääntyminen haittapuolelle Kun myyntisignaali syntyy, liiketoimi Tuloksena on häviö Kuvassa 2 näkyy whipsaw Täällä meillä on hintakaavio Indiana Energiasta huhtikuusta toukokuuhun 1999 sekä 50 päivän yksinkertainen liukuva keskiarvo 12. huhtikuuta hinta kallistui liukuvan keskiarvon yläpuolella 19 968 ja suljettu 20 75 Yli viikon kuluttua 20. huhtikuuta hinta laski liukuvan keskiarvon alapuolella 19 826 ja suljettiin 19 687: ssä. Jos olet seurannut ostosignaalia, kun hinta nousi liukuvan keskiarvon yläpuolella ja myydään, kun hinta laski liikkuvat aver Ikä, tämä kauppa olisi aiheuttanut lievän tappion ilman palkkioita, luvattomuutta jne. Jos palkkiot sisältyvät, prosentuaalinen tappio olisi ollut vieläkin enemmän. 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This is for positional traders. all have some the ir individual trading strategy and as per strategy i got buy indication of xyz stock or nifty As a example. i buy 1 lot at 100 rs the n i wait for sell signal the n if it comes at 110 the n i sold 2 lot so i book in buy position and initiate sell position now price going up and i got buy signal at 120 the n i buy 2 lot means book loss in sell position and initiate new buy position this is first scenario. mean i book loss in sell position because price up have no limit. now for second scenario. i buy at 100 and price down got sell signal at 90 the n i not book loss in my buy position i hedge it with far month means sell next month lot the n if price still going down and got buy signal at 80 the n i book pr of it in next month lot and buy 2 lot at 80 so my buy average price at 86 66 so if price come above up to 87 the n i book in last 2 lot and if price going more up and sell signal generate at 90 the n i book in 1st buy lot because my average buy price is 86 66 now ano the r scenario if price when i bought at 2 lot at 80 and price going down and sell signal generate at 70 the n i sell 3 lot of next month for hedging. so conclusion of my strategy i book only pr of it in buy i not book loos in my buy position, because price reduction is possible up to zero i book loss in my sell position because price increment have no limit. 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The order book information helps traders make better-informed trading decisions, since the y can see which brokerages are buying or selling the stock and whe the r market action is being driven by retail investors or institutions The order book also shows order imbalances which may provide clues to the stocks direction in the very short term A massive imbalance of buy orders compared to sell orders, for instance, may indicate a move higher in the stock due to buying pressure. The order book is also useful in pinpointing a stocks potential support an d resistance levels A cluster of large buy orders at a specific price may indicate a level of support, while an abundance of sell orders at or near one price may suggest an area of resistance. The order book does not show dark pools, which are batches of hidden orders maintained by large players who do not want the ir trading intentions known to o the r traders The presence of dark pools reduces the utility of the order book to some extent, since the re is no way of knowing whe the r the orders shown on the book are representative of true supply and demand for the stock. Order book s continue to collate an increasing amount of information that is available to traders for a fee Nasdaqs TotalView, for example, claims to provide more market information than any o the r book such as displaying more than 20 times the liquidity of its legacy Level 2 market depth product While this added information may not be of much significance to the average buy-and-hold investor, it may be useful to day tr aders and experienced market pr of essionals for whom the order book is one of the most critical inputs in formulating trading decisions. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre. 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